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Monday, March 02, 2009

Happy Independence Day Texas!

Today is Texas Independence Day!

March 2, 1836 stands out as the day that Texas claimed independence from the tyrannical oversight of Mexico.

Watch this interesting video. This will make all Texans proud and also anyone in the U.S. that cherish their liberties hard fought for by our veterans and forefathers.

Tell us about where you have visited or stayed in Texas that is unique and historic in at least 150 words. What was so special about it? Whether it was touring the Alamo, a history museum, the USS Lexington, or staying at an historic b&b or stately hotel. We will review entries received and post the best ones online. Entries must be received by March 31, 2009.
Submit your entry to entries at southpoint.com, and include your writeup in text format within your email.
The winning entry will receive a free copy of the book "It Happened In Texas," that highlights thirty three events in the fascinating history of the state.
It Happened in Texas

Good luck!
Posted by Carl Burnham at 12:57 PM
Edited on: Monday, March 02, 2009 1:25 PM
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